Friday, August 15, 2008

Stupid Girls

Ahhh, Jessica Simpson.... This is the girl that made a career out of being the stupid blonde on tv and then proudly declared that she was only playing dumb to appeal to a mass audience.

She reminds me of that pathetic girl in high school who pretends they are stupid so their meat-head boyfriend won't feel threatened by their intelligence.

Not that the girl has that much relevance these days aside for making the odd US Weekly cover for your love triangle between your boyfriend and your father (ew).

The reason I bring her up is because she was recently seen wearing a shirt that said "Real Girls Eat Meat". Now, in a couple of weeks is she going to make the statement that she is only pretending to be an insulting and ignorant person to appeal to rednecks?

A little note to Jessica Simpson:
Real girls make educated and intelligent decisionsReal girls don't boast about their vain, disgusting, habitsReal girls don't 'pretend' they're stupid to be popular or for a paycheque.

I suggest someone send Jessica a t-shirt with this picture on it:

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