Friday, August 15, 2008

My Hero

I’m guessing that for anyone who has taken the time to read this blog (all 5 of you…. thanks mom) will know that a lot of things really irritate me. You’re probably wondering: “Do you like anything or anyone? You kill-joy!”

That is a fair enough question, since I seem to find issue with everything and everyone. BUT, there is one man that can do no wrong and that is Mr. Paul Watson. Those of you familiar with him know that there are no neutral feelings on this guy.

A quick history of Paul Watson for those of you who are confused: he is one of the founding members of Greenpeace who then left (or was expelled depending on who you ask) when he felt there wasn’t enough direct action. He then went on to find a ship of his own, create “The Sea Shepherd” organization, sink an illegal whaling ship, get arrested and have his boat seized, escape and then go back to steal his boat back.

Some other highlights of his life include being shot in the chest by a Japanese marksman, paying the Canadian government his $10,000 bail in toonies after protesting the annual seal hunt, and is rumored to have created “tree spiking” (
Seriously, this guy is a hero. He takes action when governments are either too afraid or corrupt to intervene and he also keeps a record of how many illegal whaling or fishing ships he’s sunk on his ship.

Some may say he’s a radical but I say it’s people like him we should be worshipping and following in magazines instead of the latest teen star in rehab. Agree with him or not you have to admire someone who will stop at virtually nothing to protect what he believes in.

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