Friday, August 15, 2008

An Introduction

As someone who has been an activist most of my life I know that to create change there are a number of tactics of persuasion. Mostly you need to demonstrate to people how they will directly benefit from a new conceptor, sometimes guilt works.

I believe that a person is smart but society... well it has shown me to be a group that drags their feet towards change and seems to take action in the very last moments or when it is seemingly too late.

Remember that there are many ambitious and driven people out there making positive contributions, but this is not what my blog is about.

As you can tell by the title I'm an angry activist, in fact I'm frustrated, pissed off, disheartened, and sometimes disgusted. These are emotions I rarely share since they are not in the top persuasal techniques, in fact they mostly just cause people to distance themselves from you.
But I have a feeling that I'm not the only one that feels this way.

That's why I'm using this annoymous forum to say what I really feel. I'm tired of patting my friends on the back for switching off their lights when they leave the room or offering a high five to my family when they took the time to watch "An Unconvenient Truth".

It's estimated that we lose 100 SPECIES EVERY DAY, that half of all species are going to be extinct within 100 years, and we're just beginning to phase out plastic bags!?! Seriously, I feel like we should all be wearing perscription helmets at this point and consider letting another species dominate this planet for a while.

In conculsion, while I attend rallies, protests, write letters, and continue to persuade everyone I know to make changes, I will use this blog to say how I really feel.

I encourage you to let me know how you really feel!

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