Friday, October 22, 2010

No Such Thing as a Vegan

A friend of mine sent me this link. He even said 'Don't mean to be a jerk, just grossed me out'. I've listed my thoughts:

  1. This is gross, in the sense that we are so disconnected with the food we eat and the products we use. Who knew that tennis raquets weren't vegan?
  2. The person who created this image is trying to make a point that there is no such thing as a vegan. I get responses like that all the time, like the guy at work who eats beef every night for dinner and drives an SUV gives me a hard time when I eat something local but don't know if it's 100% organic. The thought process is that if you can find a minor misstep in my actions then it discredits my convinctions. Like a tiny thing that I do justifies your apathtic decisions? I don't know where this philosophy comes from, but it's strange.
  3. Should it be this hard to abolish animal products from our lives? Some would argue it's great that the entire cow gets used but it shouldn't be that difficult to remove any one thing from your life. I fear when any one thing is impossible to get ride of, dependence is not a strength. (Plastic anyone?)

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