Monday, June 28, 2010

Paying for the Meat Industry

One of my biggest gripes about the annual seal hunt is that my tax dollars subsidize it. I don't like hearing about how all of these people need the hunt for income because if it's not making any money why not subsidize an industry that could eventually stand on its own?

This same argument applies to the meat industry, and the thing that really gets me is how much money the meat industry receives compared to crop farmers. And the irony is that 80% of crops grown in America are used to feed livestock! (not sure of the exact number for Canada)

I've detailed in the past how ridiculously unsustainable, socially irresponsible, and morally abhorrent the meat industry is before so I won't get into it again. And I understand that our Canadian farmers require subsidies to remain competative with international prices however I don't like helping to support something that I take a stand against.

What I especially loathe is the meat industry being so slow, resiliant and outright defiant to improving animal transportation laws and conditions when they recieve these government handouts.

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